About Soft-Sensor | Products: Advanced Virtual Flow Meter : Digital Variometer

Advanced Virtual Flow Meter

The problem : I need a flow meter to improve the production but installing a physical device is difficlult or prohibitive due to cost, localization, etc.

The solution : I use a VIRTUAL flow meter, software that calculates the flow rates using available measurements and system models

Example : In case of flow at a valve, Virtual flow meter uses available measurements and valve characteristics to calculate the flow rate. You may think about this as an on-line reverse the valve sizing problem.

Virtual flow meters provide approximative estimation of the flow rate. Their accuracy is limited by : a) The quality of the measurements : valve position, fluid temperature and pressure and b) the knowlegde of the exact, installed valve characteristics, (calibration useful if possible).

Advanced Virtual Flow Meter may significantly improve the flowrate estimation by taking into account the bigger picture - the impact of the flow rate on the behaviour (dynamics) of the rest of the system using advanced estimation techniques including non-linear estimation techniques and on-line dynamics models

Soft-Sensor technology: merging measurements and system knowledge.
See the presentation on Youtube: Advanced Virtual Flow-Meter Presentation

Soft-Sensor is a start-up project focused on providing reliable and affordable advanced controls functonality. We are actively looking for potential clients and are open for a wide range of projects, ranging from estimation, through fault detection to control. The work is led by Rafal Noga who has been working on advanced non-linear control solutions for process industry since 2007. In his realisations of Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation, Rafal has been applying non-linear first principles models and tailored optimization algorithms.

We are located in Grenoble, France. For more information in English, German, French, Spanish and Polish, call us at +33 604 413 827 or send us an email at .